Sunday, May 15, 2011


Those of you that know me know that I have never been a huge reader, but times have changed.  After hearing my friend Brooke talk so highly of the Emily Giffin series, I had to starting reading it.  Right when I started reading Something Borrowed, I was hooked and finished it in a week!  I even stayed up extra late on a school night to finish it (doesn't seem like a big accomplishment to most, but you teachers out there understand).  I recently began book 2, Something Blue, and I am just as hooked!

Lucky for me, Something Borrowed was recently made into a movie and this past Thursday, my sister and I had a dinner and movie date to see it in theaters. I never thought I would say this, but I think I liked the book better than the movie!  Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie, as it gave me more of a visual of all the characters in the book, but I definitely enjoyed reading better than watching.  

I would highly suggest reading this series.... you will not be disappointed!

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