Thursday, August 4, 2011


This summer, I have read more books than I think I have in my life.  I know that is sad, but its better late than never.  One of my favorites and the book I just finished last night is The Pioneer Woman.
Most of you recognize her as a chef and a great blogger.  She just recently wrote this book based on her love story, which has given me new inspiration in my own life.

As I was reading, I kept on thinking, "Why don't I do this for Austin?" or "Why doesn't he do this for me?". Everything they did for each other was just so simple, but made the biggest difference in their relationship.  They knew how to keep the spark in their relationship by completing simple acts, such as cooking dinner for each other, calling each other 5 minutes after they were apart just to say he missed her, or even taking charge...telling her he will be there at 5:00 to pick her up, no questions asked.  Sounds silly, but reading this book has shown me that little acts of kindness and spontaneity can make the biggest difference in a relationship.  Its easy to just get in to a habit that "works" for your schedule, instead of thinking "what can I do for the other person" or "how can I make tonight different than our typical nights"?

So, in my first act of change, I decided to make a surprise dinner for Austin.  I told him I would be over at 6:00, without telling him what I would be doing.  I went to Central Market and picked up all of the groceries and was at his door promptly at 6:00.  The look on his face was priceless and I knew right there that it was going to be a perfect night!  I told him I was making a change and sparking up our relationship....that I had been lazy.  Of coarse, he said he had been lazy too, so we decided now was a better time than any to make the change!

I was so proud of my cooking (he said it was the best meal I had ever made) and boy was it delicious!! I made Pesto Chicken (thanks Central Market)
 Fusilli Pasta with Spinach and Asiago Cheese.....amazing! (thanks to Giada)
 Oven-Roasted Asparagus (Pioneer Woman)
 And of coarse....Turtle Torture Ice Cream!!
The final product:

Definitely the best night of summer and I felt so great to be able to do something fun for Austin!  I suggest everyone read the book....might be my favorite book so far!!

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